*This is not an official, binding quote. Price may vary based on unit configuration and optional add-ons. To request a final quote, click here.

If you only need the equipment for a short period of time, renting recertified or new equipment will normally be your best option, although it carries a higher monthly cost. Rental periods can easily be extended to fit your circumstance. Terms can include free maintenance and repair, if required. At the end of the agreement, equipment is then returned to JEM Financial.
Renting is great for trying out various makes and models before deciding what to purchase, or for ongoing access to the latest technology. A rental is often referred to as an operating lease in which the monthly payments are immediately expensed for tax purposes. Renting is typically the best solution for short-term equipment needs. Repairs and maintenance can be included in the agreement. Rentals and financing both come patient-ready with all necessary accessories.
When you know it will be a longer period, financing offers the lower monthly cost in exchange for the long commitment. Financing can be structured with a buyout period at the end of the term, in which you can choose to return the unit, or pay off the remainder of the cost and keep the unit(s).
Financing allows your organization to spread out the cost of new or recertified equipment over a period of many months, instead of putting stress on your budget all at once. Depending how the agreement is structured, it can be referred to as a “capital lease” in which the equipment can typically be treated as a tax-deductible asset, but check with your tax professional for details. Financing provides easy budgeting and cash flow management, as well as options to own the equipment at the end of the term. Repairs and maintenance can be included in the agreement. Rentals and financing both come patient-ready with all necessary accessories.
Rent It
Unit Price | $150 |
Patient Ready Accessories | FREE |
Bogus Fees | NEVER |
Starting At |
$150 |
Own It
Unit Price | $1395 |
Patient Ready Accessories | FREE |
Bogus Fees | NEVER |
Starting At |
$1395 Monthly |
Zoll M Series Biphasic Defibrillator Capabilities
The ZOLL M Series is a staple among ZOLL users. It is an effective defibrillator for any sudden cardiac emergency. Through many configurations of the product, ZOLL has found a way to help us meet our customers’ needs as precisely as possible. This defibrillator can be equipped with several features including pulse oximetry (SPO2), non-invasive blood pressure (NIBP), and end-tidal CO2 (EtCO2) with either 3 or 12 lead ECG cables!
For either hospital or EMS use this unit fulfills the requirements for the job!