Defibtech is proud to introduce the Lifeline ARM Chest Compression Device for performing mechanical chest compressions when effective manual CPR is not possible. Effective cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) requires a high level of excellence in order to have an impact on the survival rate of a cardiac arrest victim. This is very difficult to achieve manually when fatigue can occur in as little as 1-2 minutes while trying to maintain at least 2 inches/5 cm depth compressions at a minimum rate of 100 compressions per minute. In an emergency situation, the Lifeline ARM when used as an adjunct to manual CPR, provides extended CPR with minimal interruptions when fatigue, insufficient personnel, or patient transport (e.g., ambulance, intra-hospital) may prohibit the delivery of effective/consistent compressions to the victim. Its award-winning design provides portability, speedy deployment, and delivers precise CPR with unmatched operating times.
The Lifeline ARM, with its intuitive user interface and automated operation, ensures effective CPR with compression depth and rate as recommended in current AHA/ERC guidelines. In an emergency situation, CPR efficacy is ensured, and the rescuer is freed for other interventions and tasks.
When it comes to CPR, the quality and speed of each and every compression is critical. The Lifeline ARM Chest Compression Device, with its intuitive user interface and automated operation, ensures effective CPR with compression depth and rate as recommended in current AHA/ERC guidelines. In an emergency situation, CPR efficacy is ensured, and the rescuer is freed for other interventions and tasks.
Simple to Use:
The Lifeline ARM has an extremely simplified Control Panel where just two steps are needed to initiate mechanical CPR. Toggling between the two protocols during the rescue is allowed, to accommodate your local resuscitation protocol. And, at any time, the Pause button may be used to stop compressions when running or resume compressions if stopped.
Easy to Maintain and Service:
A USB port on the Compression Module enhances the Lifeline ARMās serviceability in the field and makes it adaptable to future resuscitation requirements. Maintenance functions, such as retrieval of event data, and software upgrades, can be performed through a connection to a personal computer loaded with Defibtech ACC Support Software. A Service Indicator light on the Compression Module flashes to indicate when it is time for periodic servicing.
Easy to Transfer Data:
The Lifeline ARM supports event capture and post-event review. A USB port on the Compression Module provides for data logging downloads of event information through a connection to a personal computer loaded with Defibtech ACC Support Software.
Long Life Rechargeable Battery:
Advanced battery technology, with flexible power options, means the Lifeline ARM will always be ready for rescue. The rechargeable battery pack provides unmatched operational times and long service life across a wide temperature range. By design, fast battery pack swapping, as well as external AC power adapter operation, is possible.
Long runtime battery pack life (requires less power to accomplish compressions)
Fast battery pack recharge time
Long useful life battery pack (3 years or about 300 charge/discharge cycles)
Battery pack inserts in either orientation (with the contacts toward the unit)
Fast battery pack swapping because of battery pack eject release latches
External AC power adapter also recharges the battery pack, even during use
An optional charging station can charge up to two battery packs simultaneously and independently: recharge one depleted battery pack in 2 hours, or two depleted battery packs in 3 hours
Lightweight Rigid Frame:
Nicely balanced and lightweight, the Frameās single-piece design provides increased structural integrity during compressions by facilitating the operation of the Compression Piston without undue deflection or distortion that could compromise consistent compression depth, an important element for effective CPR. Providing enhanced usability during deployment and repacking, the Frame effortlessly snaps into the Backboard, and releases just as easily.
Portable and Visible:
The pace is fast and furious during a rescue. The Lifeline ARM Chest Compression Device comes packed in a red canvas carrying case designed for backpack portability. The structured bag contains a custom solid foam insert for holding the Lifeline ARM components and spare items, all of which make the device portable, easy to deploy and use, and pack up again quickly.
Ergonomic Design:
The innovative and elegant design of the Lifeline ARM device affords portability, speedy deployment, and smooth, consistent operation. The Frameās single-piece design enhances its usability and provides an incredibly strong platform for performing mechanical CPR. The Compression Module contains the Control Panel, a removable and rechargeable battery pack, and the piston drive used to generate the chest compressions. Modularization of the Compression Piston has benefits in all phases of use, particularly during deployment and repacking. It allows the Frame and Backboard to be attached to the patient and aligned before the addition of the Compression Module. Periodic servicing will be so much easier too.
The Lifeline ARM Chest Compression Device Frameās design makes it easy to line it up and connect with the self-locking and self-centering latches of the Backboard, speeding deployment and reducing pinch points. The Compression Piston is supported by the Frame in a drop-in module that self-aligns when inserted into the Frame and swiftly locks into place with a simple twist. The single-use Patient Interface Pad is a cushioned snap clip design that connects to the Compression Piston and remains firmly in place. The interior space of the arched frame was designed to accommodate a very broad range of adult patient sizes.
Easy to operate Backboard release levers, located on each side of the Frame, are used to release the Frame from the Backboard. For increased accessibility, there are two sets of Backboard release levers within the Frame sides offering multiple options for releasing the Frame from the Backboard. The latches may be released together or one at a time.
Automated Chest Compression:
The Lifeline ARM Chest Compression Device is comprised of a state-of-the-art Compression Module paired with a specially designed Frame. Smooth operation results from an innovative custom Piston and brushless DC motor design housed within the Compression Module. During operation, a smart, software-driven, motor control algorithm ensures compression depth and rate consistency by compensating for variability in chest resistance ensuring CPR efficacy.
Real-Time Protocol Selection:
The Lifeline ARM Chest Compression Device is designed to accommodate local resuscitation protocols. In accordance with your emergency response procedure during a rescue, you may choose the corresponding softkey button to select between chest compressions only (no breathing) or chest compressions with rescue breaths, for performance according to the compressions-with-breaths protocol. When using the compressions-with-breaths protocol, a reminder chirp and flashing LED are used as notifications during the three compressions prior to the device pausing for the operator to give rescue breaths. If needed, the user may toggle between the two protocols during the rescue.
The structural design and choice of materials of the Frame and Backboard result in an extremely durable and impact-resistant device, making it one tough unit. Built to exacting standards, the Lifeline ARM Chest Compression Device is manufactured to withstand small particulates and water spray and meets military standards for shock and vibration testing.
Included Accessories
Compression Module



Battery Pack

Backpack Carry Case

Patient Pad (3)

Stabilization Strap

Power Module

Quick Start Guide

User Manual